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TCMzone Emperor of Heaven's Special Formula to Tonify the Heart

TCMzone Emperor of Heaven's Special Formula to Tonify the Heart

Regular price $28.90
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Tian Wang Bu Xin Dan


Rehmannia Root (Shu di huang) 6.86g Ginseng (Ren shen) 0.86g Chinese Senega Root (Yuan zhi) 0.86g Radix Scrophulariae (Xuan shen) 0.86g Biota orientalis seed (Bai zi ren) 3.43g Platycodon Root (Jie geng) 0.86g Asparagus Tuber (Tian men dong) 3.43g Salvia miltiorrhiza (Dan shen) 0.86g Zizyphus spinosa (Suan zao ren) 3.43g Mai Men Dong (Tuber ophiopogonis japonici) 3.43g Hoelen (Fu ling) 0.86g Angelica sinensis (Dang gui) 3.43g Schisandra fruit (Wu wei zi) 0.86g
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