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Kan Herb

Kan Traditionals Peaceful Earth

Kan Traditionals Peaceful Earth

Regular price $21.80
Regular price Sale price $21.80
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Kang ning wan


Poria (Fu ling), Job's tears seed (Yi yi ren), Fragrant angelica root (Bai zhi), Cang-zhu atractylodes rhizome (Cang zhu), Kudzu root (Ge gen), Magnolia bark (Hou po), Patchouli herb (Guang huo xiang), Saussurea root (Mu xiang), Medicated leaven (Shen qu), Dry fried Millet or Rice sprout (Chao gu ya), Trichosanthes root (Tian hua fen), Chrysanthemum flower (Ju hua), Red tangerine peel (Ju hong), Gastrodia rhizome (Tian ma), Chinese mint herb (Bo he)
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