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Kan Herb

Kan Traditionals Liver Flow

Kan Traditionals Liver Flow

Regular price $20.40
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Shu gan wan


White peony root (Bai shao), Prepared cyperus rhizome (Zhi xiang fu), Bupleurum root (Chai hu), Tangerine dried rind of mature fruit (Chen pi), Magnolia bark (Hou po), Tree peony root bark (Mu dan pi), Tangerine dried rind of green fruit (Qing pi), Chinese amomum fruit (Sha ren ren), Prepared corydalis yanhusuo tuber (Zhi yan hu suo), Dry fried bitter orange mature fruit (Chao zhi ke) Gan cao Chinese licorice root & rhizome Mu xiang Saussurea root Chao zhi shi Dry fried bitter orange immature fruit Fo shou Finger citron fruit Jiang huang Turmeric rhizome Bai dou kou Chinese cardamom fruit Yu jin Turmeric root tuber Tan xiang Sandalwood
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