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Kan Herb

Kan Jade Moon Phase 1 Invigorate

Kan Jade Moon Phase 1 Invigorate

Regular price $24.80
Regular price Sale price $24.80
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Prepared corydalis yanhusuo tuber (Zhi yan hu suo), Dong quai root (Dang gui shen), Chinese red peony root (Chi shao), Dry fried peeled peach seed (Guang chao tao ren), Chinese salvia root and rhizome (Dan shen), Bulrush pollen (Pu huang), Prepared cyperus rhizome (Zhi xiang fu), Sichuan teasel root (Xu duan), Sichuan lovage rhizome (Chuan xiong), Chinese hawthorn fruit (Shan zha), Cyathula root (Chuan niu xi), Dry fried Chinese cinnamon twig (Chao gui zhi)
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